About Me

Hi there! I’m Liz Tomey and for the last 20 years I’ve spent my life in the “Internet marketing trenches” creating digital products and using various marketing tactics to market those products. That’s a REALLY good thing for YOU because you can learn what truly works from someone who has “been there and done that”!

Repeatedly! 😉

Blogging has always been at the center of my business. WordPress was the first blogging platform I ever used, and I have watched it turn into the powerhouse it is today for the last 20 years.

The great thing about WordPress is that it’s more than just a blogging platform. With the advent of multiple themes and plugins you can now use WordPress to create just about any kind of site you want.

An ecommerce store, an engine to run your own affiliate program, multiple strategies to create pages for the different parts of your marketing, and so much more!

I have created WPForSellers.com to educate you on the many uses of WordPress and how you can use it in your online business. I will be sharing different resources, tools, tips, tutorials, and more here to help you use WordPress to build any kind of online business you want and utilize the resources you have access to as WordPress user.

So, buckle up and prepare to learn to earn. 😉

Right now, I highly recommend you use the box at the bottom of this page to get on the updates list so you can be instantly notified when I make a new post here on the blog. I don’t want you to miss the latest information on blogging and using WordPress to expand your business and earnings.

Next, grab a cup of coffee or your favorite beverage, and start digging in. I’ve put a search box on the site so you can search for content with specific topics you’re looking for, but you can also click here and start going through what I’ve put together for you so far.

Whatever you decide to do… Make sure you follow me here. There’s so many options to build and grow your business and I look forward to steering you through all of it!

I’m always available and I love to hear from you and the feedback you provide. So if you have questions, want me to teach something, or anything else, you can always contact me by clicking here.

Talk soon!



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We post a lot of great resources, tutorials, tips and tricks, and so much more here to help you learn to easily market your online business using WordPress and the tools developed for it. Get an instant update each time we post a something new here at WPForSellers.com

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